martes, 7 de julio de 2009

Lit II. Drama: A Small Family Business

Hello, everybody!

Let´s make use of the benefits of net-learning again. Read carefully and follow instructions closely.

As you may remember, we have not had the time to discuss the quotations that are related to the issues I posted on the blog on June 23. See below and you´ll find a list of issues. I´d like everybody to keep a record of all the quotations that we may deem interesting or relevant, therefore you have two choices here:

1. Re read the play and find the quotations for yourself, jot them down and keep a reader´s log. In this way, you´ll profit from knowing the play very well. (**NB the test will include all the quotations and issues, ok?)
2. Exchange quotes with your friends and make sure you have two or three quotations for each issue mentioned. Do NOT email these to me, just check that your friend´s findings make sense, and keep a copy of everything in your folder, for further use in classwork when we meet again.

As to the themes, which I also posted on June 23, here´s what we´ll do:

Read the play again, paying special attention to three of those themes, those that appeal to you the most. If you want to save time, you can read Act I, close the book, and jot down everything(characters, action, language used, ironic situations, setting) that may be related to the themes in question. Then read Act II, and do the same. (NB **the test will include all the themes, ok?)

Take three themes and think how these themes are relevant today, in Buenos Aires, in your family or friends. How is the situation similar or different? Which themes are outdated, no longer valid? Which are still to be seen in our society?

HW for Tuesday July 14: Write a paragraph stating your views on the relevance of the play to porteño readers in July 2009. Account for what you say with quotations from the text.

HW for Thursday July 16: To be done individually*(Am I clear enough?)
When re reading the play you MUST have realised that a phrase or a situation had a different meaning from the one you understood the first time you read the play. Write two paragraphs stating what you discovered during your second reading. Say what effect this had on you.

*Mind you, you are different people with different interests and different personalities. Do not email your answer to this piece of HW to anyone in any class, I want to read original ideas, is this clear? We have already discussed this issue, haven´t we?
Keep your answer a secret!!

Remember there will be a **test on ASFB in August 18/20(2nd D, both days). Use the suggested exercises to really really know the play.

EXTRA WORK: optional!! Alan Ayckbourn uses the aesthetics of computer programs for the design of the set. If you happen to be a computer wiz, you may design the set on the computer, i.e. the different houses and rooms will open by clicking on them, just as a powerpoint about this idea?We shall then add the dialogue, and there we are...fantastic isn´t it?
Doing this will obviously be considered extra work, and rewarded accordingly.

Please e-mail your answers to

1 comentario:

  1. Impressive, albeit a bit superficial. I would like to see more fundamental sources.

    custom paper
